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Question No: 3
Consider the following code:
What is the appropriate parameter for the alert() method in line 5 to reference the text in the firstName text box?
A. document.myForm.value(firstName)
B. document.myForm.firstName.value
C. window.myForm.firstName.value
D. window.myForm.text(firstName)
Answer: B
Question No: 4
How is the alert() method different from prompt() and confirm()?
A. The alert() method generates a modal dialog box, which requires user action before the next JavaScript instruction can be executed,whereas prompt() and confirm() do not.
B. The alert() method requires only one parameter, whereas prompt() and confirm() require two parameters.
C. The alert() method requires two parameters, whereas prompt() and confirm() require only one parameter.
D. The prompt() and confirm() methods return a value, whereas alert() does not.
Answer: D
Question No: 5
Consider the following code:
What is the expected result when you run this script in the browser?
A. A window alert box will display Hello.
B. A window alert box will display Goodbye.
C. No window alert box will appear because there is an error in the code.
D. A window alert box will display Hello then a second alert box will display Goodbye.
Answer: C
Question No: 6
Consider the following code:
What needs to be changed to allow this script to run without error?
A. Change the substring method call to substr
B. Change the substring method call to substr()
C. Change the characterAt method call to charAt
D. Change the characterAt method call to characterat
Answer: C
Question No: 7
Jane has created a file with commonly used JavaScript functions and saved it as "allFunctions.js" in the application's root directory. She wants to load this file into a Web page to access its functions. Which statement shows the correct syntax to do this?
A. <script link="text/javascript" href="/allFunctions.js"> </script>
B. <script link="javascript/external" href="/allFunctions.js"> </script>
C. <script type="text/javascript" src="/allFunctions.js"> </script>
D. <script type="text/@linked" javaScript="allFunctions.js"> </script>
Answer: C
Question No: 8
Consider the following code:
What will this alert display?
A. It is currently dark in the room
B. It is currently bright in the room
C. It is currently in the room
D. It is currently bright : dark in the room
Answer: A
Question No: 9
Consider the following code:
Which statement could be used to determine the value of the first radio button?
A. document.rdoGroup1.value
B. document.myForm.rdoGroup1[0].value
C. document.getElementById(rdoGroup1).value
D. document.getElementById("rdoGroup1").value
Answer: B
Question No: 10
Which example correctly implements inline scripting with JavaScript?
A. <input type="button" value="Click Here!" onclick=" " />
B. <input type="button" value="Click Here!" onclick="myGreeting();" />
C. <input type="button" value="Click Here!" onclick="alert('Hello World! '); " />
D. <input type="button" value="Click Here!" />
Answer: C
Question No: 11
Which statement is true about the getElementByID() method?
A. It returns only the first element with the specified ID.
B. It returns an array containing all elements with the specified ID.
C. If a match is not found for the specified ID, it will attempt searching by name.
D. If a match is not found for the specified ID, it will attempt searching by tag name.
Answer: A
Question No: 12
Consider the following code:
What is the output when you run this script in the browser?
A. An alert box displaying the following: John, Paul, George, Ringo
B. An alert box displaying the following: Ringo, John, Paul, George
C. An alert box displaying the following: Ringo, Paul, George
D. An alert box displaying the following: John, Ringo, George
Answer: D
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