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Q7. Consider the program code in the attached exhibit. What is the result of executing this program code?
A. The code will output the following: 3 4
B. The code will output the following: 1 2 3 4
C. The code will output the following: 1 2 4 5
D. The code will output the following: 1 2 5
Answer: D
Q8. Which one of the following choices lists only valid expression operators?
A. + - ** // B. * ** / // C. ** / ++ % D. */ % -- **
Answer: C
Q9. Running your Perl scripts with a w switch will perform which task?
A. Print all commands to the screen
B. Print warnings to the error.log file
C. Print check points in loops
D. Print warnings to the screen
Answer: D
Q10. Consider the following program code:
$val = 5;
if ($val++ == 6)
print("True ");
print("False ");
if ($val++ == 6)
print("True ");
print("False ");
What is the output of this code?
A. False False
B. False True
C. True False
D. True True
Answer: B
Q11. Consider the program code in the attached exhibit. What is the result of executing this program code?
A. The code will output the following: 50
B. The code will output the following: 0
C. The code will output the following: 5
D. The code will output the following: multiply(5, 10)
Answer: B
Q12. Consider the following program code:
$y = 1;
$x = 2;
$z = 3;
print ($y );
} while ($y eq 2);
print ($x );
} until ($x eq 2); print ($z );
What is the result of executing this program code?
A. The code will output the following: 1 2 3
B. The code will output the following: 3
C. The code will output the following: 2 3
D. The code will output the following: 3 2 1
Answer: A
Q13. Which one of the following while statements uses correct syntax and expressions?
A. while {0} (print "OK");
B. while ($c != 99) {print "OK"}
C. while {$b eq "OK"} (print "$a++");
D. while ($_) Do {print "OK");
Answer: B
Q14. Consider that a file named test.txt contains this line of text: One line of test text.
What is the output of the following lines of code?
$file = "test.txt";
open (OUT, "<$file") || (die "cannot open $file: $!"); seek(OUT, 15, 0);
read(OUT, $buffer, 5); print $buffer . "\n"; print tell(OUT);
A. t text 20
B. t tex 19
C. t text 19
D. t tex 20
Answer: D
Q15. Consider the following program code:
%employees = ("Lucy", "Accounting", "Armando", "Finance", "Adrienne", "Marketing");
Which of the following lines of code has the same effect as the preceding code?
A. %employees = ("Adrienne", "Marketing");
B. %employees = ("Lucy", "Accounting");
C. %employees = ("Lucy", "Accounting", "Armando", "Finance");
D. %employees = ("Armando", "Finance", "Adrienne", "Marketing");
Answer: D
Q16. Consider the program code in the attached exhibit. What is the result of executing this program code?
A. The code will output the following: Bumblebee
B. The code will output the following: HumhlHee
C. The code will output the following: BumblHee
D. The code will output the following: HumblHee
Answer: D
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