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Question No: 6
Fill in the blank. To verify that a VPN Tunnel is properly established, use the command _____
vpn tunnelutil
Question No: 7
Which of the following tools is used to generate a Security Gateway R80 configuration report?
A. fw cpinfo
B. infoCP
C. cpinfo
D. infoview
Answer: C
Question No: 8
When deploying multiple clustered firewalls on the same subnet, what does the firewall administrator need to configure to prevent CCP broadcasts being sent to the wrong cluster?
A. Set the fwha_mac_magic_forward parameter in the $CPDIR/boot/modules/ha_boot. conf
B. Set the fwha_mac_magic parameter in the $FWDIR/boot/fwkern.conf file
C. Set the cluster global ID using the command u201ccphaconf cluster_id set <value>u201d
D. Set the cluster global ID using the command u201cfw ctt set cluster_id <value>u201d
Answer: C
Question No: 9
Can you implement a complete IPv6 deployment without IPv4 addresses?
A. No. SmartCenter cannot be accessed from everywhere on the Internet.
B. Yes. Only one TCP stack (IPv6 or IPv4) can be used at the same time.
C. Yes, There is no requirement for managing IPv4 addresses.
D. No. IPv4 addresses are required for management.
Answer: C
Question No: 10
You cannot use SmartDashboardu2021s User Directory features to connect to the LDAP server. What should you investigate?
1) Verify you have read-only permissions as administrator for the operating system.
2) Verify there are no restrictions blocking SmartDashboard's User Manager from connecting to the LDAP server.
3) Check that the login Distinguished Name configured has root permission (or at least write permission Administrative access) in the LDAP Server's access control configuration.
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 2
D. 1 and 3
Answer: B
Question No: 11
Which features are only supported with R80.10 Gateways but not R77.x?
A. Access Control policy unifies the Firewall, Application Control & URL Filtering, Data Awareness, and Mobile Access Software Blade policies.
B. Limits the upload and download throughput for streaming media in the company to 1 Gbps.
C. The rule base can be built of layers, each containing a set of the security rules. Layers are inspected in the order in which they are defined, allowing control over the rule base flow and which security functionalities take precedence.
D. Time object to a rule to make the rule active only during specified times.
Answer: C
Question No: 12
Looking at the SYN packets in the Wireshark output, select the statement that is true about NAT.
A. This is an example of Hide NAT.
B. There is not enough information provided in the Wireshark capture to determine the NAT settings.
C. This is an example of Static NAT and Translate destination on client side unchecked in Global Properties.
D. This is an example of Static NAT and Translate destination on client side checked in Global Properties.
Answer: D
Question No: 13
The Firewall kernel is replicated multiple times, therefore:
A. The Firewall kernel only touches the packet if the connection is accelerated
B. The Firewall can run different policies per core
C. The Firewall kernel is replicated only with new connections and deletes itself once the connection times out
D. The Firewall can run the same policy on all cores
Answer: D
On a Security Gateway with CoreXL enabled, the Firewall kernel is replicated multiple times. Each replicated copy, or instance, runs on one processing core. These instances handle traffic concurrently, and each instance is a complete and independent inspection kernel. When CoreXL is enabled, all the kernel instances in the Security Gateway process traffic through the same interfaces and apply the same security policy.
Question No: 14
Which command will erase all CRLu2021s?
A. vpn crladmin
B. cpstop/cpstart
C. vpn crl_zap
D. vpn flush
Answer: C
Question No: 15
Which Check Point tool allows you to open a debug file and see the VPN packet exchange details.
A. PacketDebug.exe
B. VPNDebugger.exe
C. IkeView.exe
D. IPSECDebug.exe
Answer: C
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