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You are hired as the new head of operations for a SaaS company. Your CTO has asked you to make debugging any part of your entire operation simpler and as fast as possible. She complains that she has no idea what is going on in the complex, service-oriented architecture, because the developers just log to disk, and it's very hard to find errors in logs on so many services. How can you best meet this requirement and satisfy your CTO?
Answer: D
The Elasticsearch and Kibana 4 combination is called the ELK Stack, and is designed specifically for real-time, ad-hoc log analysis and aggregation. All other answers introduce extra delay or require pre-defined queries.
Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale Elasticsearch in the AWS Cloud. Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and click stream analytics. Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/elasticsearch-service/
What is web identity federation?
Answer: B
users of your app can sign in using a well-known identity provider (|dP) -such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, or any other OpenID Connect (OIDC)-compatible IdP, receive an authentication token, and then exchange that token for temporary security credentials in AWS that map to an IAM role with permissions to use the resources in your AWS account.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IANI/latest/UserGuide/id_roIes_providers_oidc.html
What is true of the way that encryption works with EBS?
Answer: C
Snapshots that are taken from encrypted volumes are automatically encrypted. Volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are also automatically encrypted. Your encrypted volumes and any associated snapshots always remain protected. For more information, see Amazon EBS Encryption.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.htmI
You have an asynchronous processing application using an Auto Scaling Group and an SQS Queue. The Auto Scaling Group scales according to the depth of the job queue. The completion velocity of the jobs has gone down, the Auto Scaling Group size has maxed out, but the inbound job velocity did not increase. What is a possible issue?
Answer: A
The IAM Role must be fine, as if it were broken, NO jobs would be processed since the system would never be able to get any queue messages. The same reasoning applies to the routing table change. The scaling metric is fine, as instance count increased when the queue depth increased due to more messages entering than exiting. Thus, the only reasonable option is that some of the recent messages must be malformed and unprocessable.
https://github.com/andrew-templeton/cloudacademy/blob/fca920b45234bbe99cc0e8efb9c65134884dd48 9/questions/null
You need to migrate 10 million records in one hour into DynamoDB. All records are 1.5KB in size. The data is evenly distributed across the partition key. How many write capacity units should you provision during this batch load?
Answer: C
You need 2 units to make a 1.5KB write, since you round up. You need 20 million total units to perform this load. You have 3600 seconds to do so. DMde and round up for 5556.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/HowItWorks.ProvisionedThroughp ut.htmI
Which of these is not a Pseudo Parameter in AWS CIoudFormation?
Answer: C
This is the complete list of Pseudo Parameters: AWS::Account|d, AWS::NotificationARNs, AWS::NoVaIue, AWS::Region, AWS::StackId, AWS::StackName
Your application consists of 10% writes and 90% reads. You currently service all requests through a Route53 Alias Record directed towards an AWS ELB, which sits in front of an EC2 Auto Scaling Group. Your system is getting very expensive when there are large traffic spikes during certain news events, during which many more people request to read similar data all at the same time. What is the simplest and cheapest way to reduce costs and scale with spikes like this?
Answer: C
CIoudFront is ideal for scenarios in which entire requests can be served out of a cache and usage patterns involve heavy reads and spikiness in demand.
A cache behavior is the set of rules you configure for a given URL pattern based on file extensions, file names, or any portion of a URL path on your website (e.g., *.jpg). You can configure multiple cache behaviors for your web distribution. Amazon CIoudFront will match incoming viewer requests with your list of URL patterns, and if there is a match, the service will honor the cache behavior you configure for that URL pattern. Each cache behavior can include the following Amazon CIoudFront configuration values: origin server name, viewer connection protocol, minimum expiration period, query string parameters, cookies, and trusted signers for private content.
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/Cloudfront/dynamic-content/
You run operations for a company that processes digital wallet payments at a very high volume. One second of downtime, during which you drop payments or are otherwise unavailable, loses you on average USD 100. You balance the financials of the transaction system once per day. Which database setup is best suited to address this business risk?
Answer: C
Only the multi-master, multi-region DynamoDB answer makes sense. IV|u|ti-AZ deployments do not provide sufficient availability when a business loses USD 360,000 per hour of unavailability. As RDS does not natively support multi-region, and ACID does not perform well/at all over large distances between
regions, only the DynamoDB answer works. Reference:
You are building a mobile app for consumers to post cat pictures online. You will be storing the images in AWS S3. You want to run the system very cheaply and simply. Which one of these options allows you to build a photo sharing application without needing to worry about scaling expensive uploads processes,
authentication/authorization and so forth?
Answer: A
The short answer is that Amazon Cognito is a superset of the functionality provided by web identity federation. It supports the same providers, and you configure your app and authenticate with those providers in the same way. But Amazon Cognito includes a variety of additional features. For example, it enables your users to start using the app as a guest user and later sign in using one of the supported identity providers.
For AWS CIoudFormation, which stack state refuses UpdateStack calls?
Answer: A
When a stack is in the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FA|LED state, you can continue rolling it back to return it to a working state (to UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE). You cannot update a stack that is in the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FA|LED state. However, if you can continue to roll it back, you can return the stack to its original settings and try to update it again.
http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCIoudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-continueu pdateroIIback.htmI
Why are more frequent snapshots or EBS Volumes faster?
Answer: B
After writing data to an EBS volume, you can periodically create a snapshot of the volume to use as a baseline for new volumes or for data backup. If you make periodic snapshots of a volume, the snapshots are incremental so that only the blocks on the device that have changed after your last snapshot are saved in the new snapshot. Even though snapshots are saved incrementally, the snapshot deletion process is designed so that you need to retain only the most recent snapshot in order to restore the volume.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-creating-snapshot.html
You are building a deployment system on AWS. You will deploy new code by bootstrapping instances in a private subnet in a VPC at runtime using UserData scripts pointing to an S3 zip file object, where your code is stored. An ELB in a public subnet has network interfaces and connectMty to the instances. Requests from users of the system are routed to the ELB via a Route53 A Record Alias. You do not use any VPC endpoints. Which is a risk of using this approach?
Answer: B
Since you are not using VPC endpoints, outbound requests for the code sitting in S3 are routed though the NAT for the VPC's private subnets. If this networking fails, runtime bootstrapping through code
download will fail due to network unavailability and lack of access to the Internet, and thus Amazon S3. Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_NAT_Instance.html
You are experiencing performance issues writing to a DynamoDB table. Your system tracks high scores for video games on a marketplace. Your most popular game experiences all of the performance issues. What is the most likely problem?
Answer: B
The primary key selection dramatically affects performance consistency when reading or writing to DynamoDB. By selecting a key that is tied to the identity of the game, you forced DynamoDB to create a hotspot in the table partitions, and over-request against the primary key partition for the popular game. When it stores data, DynamoDB dMdes a tabIe's items into multiple partitions, and distributes the data primarily based upon the partition key value. The provisioned throughput associated with a table is also dMded evenly among the partitions, with no sharing of provisioned throughput across partitions. Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/GuideIinesForTabIes.htmI#GuideIi nesForTabIes.UniformWorkIoad
Which of the following tools does not directly support AWS OpsWorks, for monitoring your stacks?
Answer: A
You can monitor your stacks in the following ways: AWS OpsWorks uses Amazon CIoudWatch to provide thirteen custom metrics with detailed monitoring for each instance in the stack; AWS OpsWorks integrates with AWS CIoudTraiI to log every AWS OpsWorks API call and store the data in an Amazon S3 bucket; You can use Amazon CIoudWatch Logs to monitor your stack's system, application, and custom logs. Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/monitoring.htmI
When thinking of DynamoDB, what are true of Local Secondary Key properties?
Answer: B
Global secondary index — an index with a partition key and a sort key that can be different from those on the table. A global secondary index is considered "gIobaI" because queries on the index can span all of the data in a table, across all partitions.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Secondarylndexes.htmI
What is a circular dependency in AWS CIoudFormation?
Answer: C
To resolve a dependency error, add a DependsOn attribute to resources that depend on other resources in your template. In some cases, you must explicitly declare dependencies so that AWS CIoudFormation can create or delete resources in the correct order. For example, if you create an Elastic IP and a VPC
with an Internet gateway in the same stack, the Elastic IP must depend on the Internet gateway attachment. For additional information, see DependsOn Attribute.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/troubleshooting.htm|#troub|eshootin g-errors-dependence-error
Your serverless architecture using AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and AWS DynamoDB experienced a large increase in traffic to a sustained 400 requests per second, and dramatically increased in failure rates. Your requests, during normal operation, last 500 milliseconds on average. Your DynamoDB table did not exceed 50% of provisioned throughput, and Table primary keys are designed correctly. What is the most likely issue?
Answer: C
AWS API Gateway by default throttles at 500 requests per second steady-state, and 1000 requests per second at spike. Lambda, by default, throttles at 100 concurrent requests for safety. At 500 milliseconds (half of a second) per request, you can expect to support 200 requests per second at 100 concurrency. This is less than the 400 requests per second your system now requires. Make a limit increase request via the AWS Support Console.
AWS Lambda: Concurrent requests safety throttle per account -> 100
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/generaI/latest/gr/aws_service_Iimits.htm|#|imits_|ambda
Fill the blanks: helps us track AWS API calls and transitions, helps to understand what resources we have now, and allows auditing credentials and logins.
Answer: C
You can use AWS CIoudTraiI to get a history of AWS API calls and related events for your account. This includes calls made by using the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and higher-level AWS services.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awscloudtrail/latest/userguide/cloudtrail-user-guide.html
Which of these techniques enables the fastest possible rollback times in the event of a failed deployment?
Answer: D
AWS specifically recommends Blue-Green for super-fast, zero-downtime deploys - and thus rollbacks, which are redeploying old code.
You use various strategies to migrate the traffic from your current application stack (blue) to a new version of the application (green). This is a popular technique for deploying applications with zero downtime. Reference: https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/overview-of-deployment-options-on-aws.pdf
You need to scale an RDS deployment. You are operating at 10% writes and 90% reads, based on your logging. How best can you scale this in a simple way?
Answer: C
The high-availability feature is not a scaling solution for read-only scenarios; you cannot use a standby replica to serve read traffic. To service read-only traffic, you should use a Read Replica. For more information, see Working with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and NIariaDB Read Replicas.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.NIuItiAZ.htmI
You are creating a new API for video game scores. Reads are 100 times more common than writes, and the top 1% of scores are read 100 times more frequently than the rest of the scores. What's the best design for this system, using DynamoDB?
Answer: D
Because the 100x read ratio is mostly driven by a small subset, with caching, only a roughly equal number of reads to writes will miss the cache, since the supermajority will hit the top 1% scores. Knowing we need to set the values roughly equal when using caching, we select AWS EIastiCache, because CIoudFront cannot directly cache DynamoDB queries, and EIastiCache is an excellent in-memory cache for database queries, rather than a distributed proxy cache for content delivery.
One solution would be to cache these reads at the application layer. Caching is a technique that is used in many high-throughput applications, offloading read actMty on hot items to the cache rather than to the database. Your application can cache the most popular items in memory, or use a product such as EIastiCache to do the same.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/GuideIinesForTabIes.htmI#GuideIi nesForTabIes.CachePopuIarItem
You need to process long-running jobs once and only once. How might you do this?
Answer: C
The message timeout defines how long after a successful receive request SQS waits before allowing jobs to be seen by other components, and proper configuration prevents duplicate processing.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpIeQueueService/latest/SQSDeveIoperGuide/MessageLifecycIe.ht ml
You need to know when you spend $1000 or more on AWS. What's the easy way for you to see that notification?
Answer: C
Even if you're careful to stay within the free tier, it's a good idea to create a billing alarm to notify you if you exceed the limits of the free tier. Billing alarms can help to protect you against unknowingly accruing charges if you inadvertently use a service outside of the free tier or if traffic exceeds your expectations. Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/free-tier-aIarms.htmI
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